The Public Healthcare Division (PHD) of the Centre for Educational Planning, Economics & Research Development (CEPERD) is a unique and important development for all health service stakeholders and the wider community. The Division research encapsulates continuous improvement of quality, safety, and care outcomes through enabling leadership, research, innovation, audit and quality improvement. The Division becomes a national leader in healthcare excellence, enables by the integration of research, innovation, practice and education. PHD works with partners to spread innovations build capability and catalyze policy changes so that everyone in Nigeria has safe and high-quality healthcare.
PHD is the primary voice for public health advocacy. The Division leads the way to protect all Nigerians and their communities from preventable, serious health threats. The Public Healthcare Division (PHD) strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are accessible to everyone. PHD represents a broad array of health providers, educators, environmentalists, policymakers and health officials.
PHD is also working on other critical public health issues including public health and emergency preparedness, food safety, hunger and nutrition, climate change and other environmental health issues, public health infrastructure, disease control, international health and tobacco control.
The Division combines local capacity with global knowledge to empower public and private health sector workers to improve access to quality health services for the people they serve. The Division brings together the best of a class of health professionals, researchers, policy advisors, and management experts.
PHD Mission
To unite, inspire, and enrich interdisciplinary leadership that progresses healthcare management providing them with the highest quality technical assistance backed by operational research.PHD Vision
- To be a homegrown leader in research and programme implementation in the field of health in Nigeria and other developing countries.
- To provide global solutions locally through reliable research and project implementation while maintaining a partnership with leading global players in the field of public health.
- To educate the public health workforce by enhancing their competence and skills in public health practice.
- To improve public health science, public health practice and public health leadership by establishing and maintaining partnerships and working relationships with other agencies and organizations.
- To provide managerial, programmatic and technical support to local, state, federal and international organizations involved in the delivery and evaluation of public health services.
- To provide educational opportunities and continuing education for public health professionals and those interested in public health.
- To maintain and enhance professional knowledge, increase technical proficiencies and enable members to promote public health.
- To advance quality improvement in both health care delivery and public health and has been in the forefront of ensuring quality in public health systems through its texts on standards, education programs and policies that promote quality improvement in a range of public health systems.
- To contribute to the elimination of preventable deaths by deploying proven hospital and community-based interventions in target communities in the developing countries
- Create advanced research and technology capability in healthcare technologies
- Carry out research with industrial focus and impact, and develop the next generation of researchers in healthcare innovation
- Translate technologies to be adopted by industry.
- Our work involves multiple projects which reflect the major themes of our approach as being
- Evidence-based and interdisciplinary
- Understanding the processes of implementing and spreading innovations
- Encompassing different types of innovation across multiple levels of healthcare systems
- Addressing different external and organizational contexts for innovation spread and implementation
- Assessing patient and public involvement in embedding innovations.
- Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems
- Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues
- Mobilize community partnerships and action to identify and solve health problems
- Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts
- Provide collaboration for community services.
- Monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems
- Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable