Economic Development and Trade Division (EDTD) of the Centre for Educational Planning, Economics & Research Development (CEPERD) conducts applied and policy researches focusing on Nigeria’s and the developing countries’ economies, trade and regional cooperation. We monitor Nigeria’s and other developing countries economic management and performance; provide evidence-based economic policy analysis; and engage in local and regional dialogues to inform policymaking.
Our research agenda falls within five broad development areas: economic development, focusing on sustainability and inclusion; trade and state cooperation; private sector development, focusing on small and medium enterprises; employment and employability, with a cross-cutting theme on gender and youth, international economics, political economy and property rights and data for research and development.
Economic Development and Trade Division (EDTD) is committed to pro-poor, equitable and inclusive economic growth and protection for vulnerable groups and populations as a developmental response to poverty. EDTD also committed to building and sharing robust evidence based on social protection drawn from economic analysis and global lessons of experience.